Here are instructions for each video assignment for this course. Remember – you only have to complete 5 out of the possible 7 assignments listed here. You may complete the others for extra credit.
Week 1 video – All About You
Create a short (2:00 max) video as a way of introducing yourself. Include your name, your class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), and one “fun fact” about yourself. You will upload this video to the Week 1 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – 2/2/25
Week 3 video – What’s The Difference
Create a short (3:00) video where you explain in your own words the difference between “etiology” and “teleology.” You don’t have to do a lot of research here, but you should come up with a good definition of these words in terms of small groups and systems theory. You will upload this video to the Week 3 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – 2/2/25
Week 6 video – EVT Video
Create a short (3:00 max) video providing an example of how you encountered a case of Expectancy Violation. Explain the situation, how you handled it, and why you believe it is an example of Expectancy Violation Theory. You may create a screen recording if you wish but it is not required. You will upload this video to the Week 6 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – 3/2/25
Week 8 video – “Team” vs. “Group”
Create a short (3:00 max) video that compares/contrasts the three videos you watched about groups and teams. What about them is similar? Is there a relatively consistent theme? What about them is different? You may create a screen video but it is not required. You will upload this video to the Week 8 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – Suggested due date – 4/6/25
Week 10 video – Create a DECIDE Model
Record a short (3:00 max) video where you describe a situation in your own life apart from your CRS 333 activities where you had to make a decision or solve a problem. Go through the steps of the DECIDE Model and describe how you approached this issue. You may create a screen recording but it is not required. You will upload this video to the Week 10 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – 4/6/25
Week 12 video – Your Personality Traits
Record a short (3:00 max) video of which of the “Big 5” personality traits you think best represents you. You may make a screen recording if you wish but it is not required.You will upload this video to the Week 12 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – 4/27/25
Week 13 Video – Rich Media
Record a brief (2:00 max) video that offers your perspective on the use of Zoom as a rich media. Briefly discuss how you have been impacted by explaining how you used the available technology to your greatest advantage, or how the technology limited your ability to learn in the way you prefer. You will upload this video to the Week 13 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there. Suggested due date – 4/27/25