Here are instructions for each video assignment for this course. Remember – you only have to complete 5 out of the possible 7 assignments listed here. You may complete the others for extra credit.

  • Week 1 video All About You
    • Create a short (2:00 max) video as a way of introducing yourself. Include your name, your class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), and one “fun fact” about yourself. You will upload this video to the Week 1 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 3 videoAll The Who’s of You
    • Use the image in the textbook on page 31 and come up with 10 different responses to the statement “I am…,” as in “I am a teacher,” “I am a husband,” I am a student,” etc. Rank them in order of importance to you. Use your responses to create a short (3 minute) video. Read your list and then briefly explain why you ranked your Top 3 the way you did.You will upload this video to the Week 3 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 5 videoYour Diversity Difference
    • Remember the list of diversity differences at the beginning of the Week 5 update?
      • Sex and gender
      • Sexual orientation and gender identity
      • Race and ethnicity
      • Age
      • Social class
    • Which of these do you think is the most significant or meaningful to you? Consider which one and why and then record a brief (3 minute max) video explaining your answer and reason(s). Please be sure you have at least 90 seconds of video for your answer in order to get full participation credit. You will upload this video to the Week 5 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 7 videoHow to be Apologetic
    • Record a video of between 2 and 3 minutes to discuss what you think should be a part of an apology that is other-oriented and whose goal is for the other person to feel that they want to maintain their relationship with you.You will upload this video to the Week 7 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 9 videoInterpersonal Conflict
    • Create a short (3:00) video describing a conflict once had with someone with whom you have a close relationship (family member, close friend, romantic partner, etc.). Explain the conflict and how you were able to resolve it.You will upload this video to the Week 9 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 11 videoRelationship Blues
    • Record a short video that describes a relationship in your life that faced one or more challenges. It doesn’t have to be romantic and it doesn’t have to be about a breakup. Just think about a situation where something about the relationship was difficult or even unusual, and tell us what you did (or didn’t do) to try and resolve the situation.You will upload this video to the Week 11 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 13 VideoThe Family of Technology
    • We learned in Week 13 about how technology is an affordance of communication, meaning it provides a vehicle or means for us to communicate. With families, that can often be a mixed bag. Record a short (2:00 max) video that explains some of the ups and downs that are a part of how you use tech tools to communicate with your family. It likely won’t be either all good or all bad, but do your best to tell your story. You will upload this video to the Week 13 Video Assignment page on Blackboard. Upload instructions can be found there.