Performance Guidelines For All CRS 325 Speeches

  • All speeches that include a presentation MUST have that presentation link or file completed and available no later than the Sunday prior to the day or days the speech will be given. If a Powerpoint presentation is being used, you MUST send the actual file to Professor Dunagan – links to Powerpoint are not permitted. (Note: if a Google Slides link is provided, remember that you can continue to edit that presentation after the link is posted).
  • All speeches MUST be no longer than 30 seconds beyond the stated time (i.e. 3 minute speech = 3:30 time limit). Any speech longer than that may be halted and the speaker will not be permitted to continue and a deduction will be taken from your speech score.
  • Persuasive and final speeches MUST contain an introduction and conclusion. Any speech that is a persuasive speech must also include a thesis statement. Speakers failing to include any of these items in the appropriate speech will lose 2 points for each if it is a persuasive speech and 5 points for each if it is the final speech. (Note: students including an introduction and conclusion in their celebratory and/or informative speeches can earn 2 points for each, not to exceed the maximum score possible for those speeches.)
  • For the informative, persuasive, and final speeches that are scheduled to be completed over 2 class periods, there is a signup sheet for each that includes each presentation day that is available. Once a particular day is full, speakers must sign up for the other presentation day.
  • NO SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR RESCHEDULING A SPEECH WILL BE PERMITTED! The only possible exceptions will be a documented medical issue or a serious personal issue that Professor Dunagan will determine is acceptable. Be prepared to provide details.