Here are instructions for each video assignment for this course. Remember – you only have to complete 3 out of the possible 5 assignments listed here. You may complete the others for extra credit.

  • Week 1 video All About You
    • Create a short (2:00 max) video as a way of introducing yourself. Include your name, your class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), and one “fun fact” about yourself. You will upload this video to the Week 1 Video Assignment page on Brightspace. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 3 videoCultural Non-Verbal Cues
    • Record a brief (3:00 max) video that demonstrates a type of cultural nonverbal cue, like a greeting or hand gesture, that is not familiar to Americans. Provide a description of what the cue is, in what country or countries it is considered a custom, and an idea (if you know) of how long it has been a custom. Try to find something that is either unique or is particular to your own culture/country/upbringing. This just needs to be you (and maybe a helper) on camera – no screen recordings/presentations. Here are some links to websites with examples of hand gestures and their meanings (nothing obscene or inappropriate, please!) and different countries or cultures’ customs of greeting. Feel free to use a second person to help demonstrate if necessary – just remember to introduce them! You will upload this video to the Week 3 Video Assignment page on Brightspace. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 6/7 videoBe Reasonable
    • Your task for this video is to come up with an ethical situation where you would use one of the four types of ethical reasoning philosophies (utilitarian, Kantian, Rawlsian, and virtue-ethical) as an appropriate way to analyze this situation.
    • Example: You must decide whether to allow an employee to leave work before their shift is completed but still pay them for the missed time without the employee using any accrued time off. The solution? You could apply Kantian reasoning (It’s only OK to do that if everyone can be allowed to do that) or utilitarian reasoning (whether or not this decision benefits the greater good – in this case, we will say it is the employees)
    • Come up with your own example of an ethical reasoning situation and then explain how you would apply one of the types of ethical reasoning philosophies. Also, include why that style of reasoning made sense or was the right choice.
    • You will upload this video to the Week 6/7 Video Assignment page on Brightspace. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 9 videoYour Persuasive Message
    • Create a short video (1-2 minutes) that describes just one of the reasons or benefits of trying/using the product you will promote in your persuasive message. Remember that you’re trying to persuade someone to try or use this product, so be convincing!  You will upload this video to the Week 9 Video Assignment page on Brightspace. Upload instructions can be found there.
  • Week 11 videoA Short Slide Show
    • Create a short video (max 5 minutes) about something you know a lot about (a sport, your hometown, a favorite video game, etc). You will complete it as a “screen recording” (you show slides and narrate them, which is recorded as a video). Limit your slides to a maximum of five. You will upload this video to the Week 12 Video Assignment page on Brightspace. Upload instructions can be found there.