Final Exam Procedures:
- Log into the Brightspace page for your COM 211 class
- Find this portion of the screen on the “Course Home” page. Note that the “Exams” box is blank. If it is not, please notify Professor Dunagan.
- Refresh/reload your screen when asked to do so. If you arrive late, just log into Brightspace and find your COM 211 class.
- You should now see a link to “Spring 2025 Final Exam” in the “Exams” box. Click on the link and follow the instructions to begin the exam. If you do not see the link, please notify Professor Dunagan.
Final Exam Information:
- Those arriving on time will have a maximum of 2 hours to complete the exam. Those arriving late will have their exam time reduced based on how late they arrive.
- Please complete the exam while focusing on your own screen and not distracting others. If you need to use the restroom, please leave and return as quietly as possible. Leave any non-essential possessions in the classroom.
- If you have technical issues with taking the exam or inadvertently submit your exam before you planned to finish, please notify Professor Dunagan.
- When you have completed the exam, be sure to submit it. You may leave the classroom once you have finished. Please do so as quietly as possible.
- If you have not completed the exam in the required time, Brightspace will automatically submit the exam for you.
- Exams will be graded as soon as possible. I will notify all students when final grade scores have been entered into Brightspace.
- Your final letter grades will be available to view in MyOswego (fill in when known).