Welcome COM 211 students! Here is the main page for information related to everyone taking Strategic Communication for Business from Professor Dunagan at SUNY Oswego. Inside you’ll find the course syllabus, important activities, projects that students will complete during the course, as well as a library of important documents used in this course AND a week-by-week course schedule. In addition, there’s useful information that’s common to all of Professor Dunagan’s COM 211 students and specific information that applies to each individual section.
In addition, here is the grading scale used for COM 211, which is also found in the course syllabus.
Requirement | Total Points |
“Ready for Scholar” activities (watch videos, join group, complete first update) | 50 |
5 Flipgrid video activities (complete at least 4 @ 10 points each) | 40 |
Minimum of 2 Scholar update presentations @ 10 points each | 20 |
Ethical Moment presentation (20 points), Impromptu speech (20 points), and Informative Speech (30 points) | 70 |
4 Group/Team assignments @ 30 points each (1 submission/assignment, graded equally for all members) | 120 |
Scholar writing project activities (complete first version, reviews, revised version by deadlines) | 50 |
Team Final Presentation | 100 |
Team Final Paper/Report | 150 |
Scholar Analytics based on “ideal” score of 80 | 250 |
Final Exam | 150 |
Total Points | 1000 |
Grading Breakdown: 1000 – 930 = A; 929 – 900 = A-; 899 – 870 = B+; 869 – 830 = B; 829 – 800 = B-; 799 – 770 = C+; 769 – 730 = C; 729 – 700 = C-; 699 – 650 = D; 649 – 0 = E